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Search the Canadian Geographical Names Database (CGNDB)

Official geographical names data are provided by the federal, provincial and territorial naming authorities of the Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC).

Content advisory: The Canadian Geographical Names Database contains historical terminology that is considered racist, offensive and derogatory. Geographical naming authorities are in the process of addressing many offensive place names, but the work is still ongoing. For more information, please contact the GNBC Secretariat.

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Name Saint-Bruno-de-Guigues
Other name(s) for this feature 0cc79adb849c20c3e9f95429c7f726ee
Status Previously Official
Concise Term VILG-Village
Generic Term Parish Municipality
Location Saint-Bruno-de-Guigues; Témiscamingue
Province/Territory Quebec
Latitude - Longitude (DMS) 47° 28′ 0″ N, 79° 26′ 0″ W
Latitude - Longitude (decimal) 47.466667, -79.433333
NTS Map Number 031M06
Relevance at Scale 1:250 000
Decision Date 1995-05-29
Source Quebec-Commission de Toponymie
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